A Happier, Healthier Holidays 2022 is Possible!

Tis the season to eat, eat, eat and eat some more! It’s not even Christmas yet, but a lot of us sitting here at the Canadianpharmacydrug.com head office in wintery Ontario are already feeling our pants fit a little bit snugger after what seems like a marathon of pre-Christmas snacking. It’s hard to avoid grabbing a chocolate, or cookie, or some fruit cake when they’re just sitting there on that table leading to the printer…
We’re not going to lie to your face and say that it’s possible to avoid temptation during this time of year. The holidays are a time to enjoy friends, family and good tidings, and that is going to mean food and probably a few drinks too. But a little bit of planning and a few easy-to-follow tips can help you make it through the holidays without totally blowing up the healthier life you tried to live all year.
And if these tips are completely ignored and you go out next week and enter a cookie and gravy overdose, Canadianpharmacydrug.com will still be here on January 1st and we’ll have great prices on the leading weight loss prescription medication for all your 2022 weight loss goals!
Try to Break Even: It’s hard to stay active over the holidays because schedules get thrown for a loop, but the single best way to ensure you don’t gain too much weight over Christmas is to try to break even. So enjoy that shortbread, but break even the next day with a brisk walk or jog. The calories might not balance out but just committing to a bit of physical exercise for every holiday indulgence will go a long way to keeping you healthy.
Moderation: Just a simple word! But it’s a hard one to get behind! But if you simply give yourself some boundaries and decide that you’re going to enjoy yourself but place some limits on what you eat and drink, it’s going to make a huge difference.
Only what you love: Another great tip that it’s easy to remember is only indulge in what you really love. You don’t love every appetizer at the party, do you? Only enjoy the holiday treat you really love.
Balance: Another one word tip, but a key one and something we should aim to do in all things in your life. For every glass of wine you have, balance it with a glass of water. Have a balanced breakfast so you don’t overeat the rest of the day. Make sure your Christmas dinner plate has as many veggies as it does ham.
Keep Busy: Avoid mindless snacking over the holidays and eating just cause it’s there. Enjoy your family and friends. Go for walks, stay active together.